Community Supported Agriculture

Sustainable and ecologically sound growing methods
Woodbine, md

Become a family farm

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. It is an alternative, locally-based model of food distribution in which you purchase a “share” in our farm, and receive a weekly share of the season’s bounty. In the winter and spring, CSA Members pay in advance for a share of food to be grown during the upcoming season. Members share in the bounty of productive seasons, as well as the risk of less abundant years.
Farming is risky business and CSA Members’ direct investment in sustainable agriculture helps guarantee the presence of the Breezy Willow farm in our Maryland community.
Breezy Willow Farm offers CSA memberships for not only multiple growing seasons, but also multiple CSA share sizes AND pick-up locations.
Our vegetables and fruits are the freshest possible. We focus on growing the highest quality produce that changes with the season to you coupled with helping our local community.
We use sustainable and ecologically sound growing methods.
to produce our product while maintaining great respect and care for the land and the livelihood of farming. We look forward to providing you with the best product spring, summer and fall.